Welcome! We started DoesWhat to help you find answers quickly. Since we’re just getting started, we aren’t a social question/answer site like Quora or YahooAnswers – because you’re not looking for a conversation, you just want quick facts. We hope to also build some tools like a measurement converter or a vocabulary and test-prep quiz to help you learn and grow your knowledge faster.
There may not be any dumb questions, but that doesn’t mean knowledge and intelligence isn’t worth developing. This site was previously used for tech reviews and founder interviews and we will continue on that theme (the pursuit of knowledge naturally lends towards science and technology) but we want to make sure your natural creativity drives the content, rather than us being a top-down pedagogy.
As George Bernard Shaw wrote, “We want to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, not knowledge in pursuit of the child.” So we won’t be presenting what you should know or learn; though we will keep our eyes out for any fascinating or interesting trivia for entertainment value (because learning should be fun).
I’ll admit it, we’re geeks. We love learning so much we made it a lifestyle. We consume information and then summarize the best stuff into short, bite-sized blog posts so you can *quickly* find the answers you need without a huge preamble or story first. But we hope you’ll browse around because – just because you know what you don’t know, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t learn what you haven’t begun to ask yet…
We may not know much, but we keep our enthusiasm for the thrill of discovering something new, and we hope you do as well! On this site we hope to feature:
- New discoveries in science and history (including weird historical trivia)
- Unresolved questions and complex discussions (are aliens real?)
- Quick summaries of famous people, events or facts (how much do celebrities make)
- New tech products or cool things that make life easier (“wow” factor)
- Best book reviews, best software, best test-prep or learning tools
- Brainy stuff like nootropics, dealing with ADHD or anxiety (we’ve got both)
- Job or college resources (what should you do with your life?)
- Personality and behavioral psychology (who ARE you really?)
- Science experiments or craft ideas you can do at home
Earnings Disclosure
We’ll also *occasionally* use affiliate links or products, but only for things we truly recommend.